5 Reasons you should NOT start a blog!

3 min readDec 7, 2020

You are here to see if the points listed here aren’t the case with you, right? I intend to do just that! By the end of this read, you will be sure if blogging is dinchak pooja or Shreya Ghoshal to your life. You will find number of articles online which will give you foolproof ideas for your blog to make quick money but we both know that’s not the case, don’t we? A huge amount of work is needed in designing a blog. With so much pressure creating around, it may create a feeling that blogging is not for you. So stick with me and reply to your chats a couple of minutes later, coz this may be important for you!

@you should not start a blog if you are not PATIENT!

As I already mentioned, blogging is not a get-rich-quick business! If it were, every second man would be doing it and I would already be hiring interns to write this for me but you see, I am not. So, this is clearly not an instant money-making business.

@you should not start a blog if you do not have TIME!!!!

This be hella important! Don’t even think of starting a blog if you do not have time! I am no Buddha but take it from me, as important as time is for all other things in the world, it is for blogging as well, even more! The more time you make for blogging, the more ideas will click and the more productive your blog will be!

@you should not start a blog if you are not open to new things!

Blogging is a voyage. It is an adventure! And I suggest if you don’t like to learn new things, my dear friend, stop reading this blog at this very moment and get back to your one true passion! This journey takes you to new niches, new things, new genres, new styles every single time. And only if you are open to this adventure, hop-on amigo!

@you should not start a blog if you are not sincere!

Blogging needs a lot-LOT of sincerity, just as any other full-time job ever needs. If you are good at blogging, your readers would want to read you every day and I’d rather suggest you not to disappoint them. But on the bright side, it is FUN!! It is like awakening a different personality of yourself where you share your thought-process with the people who love you and vice versa.

@you should not start a blog if you are a social media GHOST!

Okay! I love social media and share every single blog with my readers. If you despise social media, then blogging is not your cup of tea. You must be prepared to grab (and rock!) at least one social media platform. Media gives you a lot of traffic and genuine readers.

Many people start blogs on the side while doing a full-time day job. That could work for you if you have the time, you are motivated, passionate and you are prepared to give up other things in your life, such as socializing, TV, or even family time. Building a blog takes longer part-time, but it could be a less-stressful option. And if you are all these, then my friend, you are going to be read just as you are reading this blog of mine.

So, What did you find? Are you a blogger? C’mon, let us know! And if you are, we have specialized marvels just to help you. Connect with Quantel to kick-start this journey of yours. We hope to see you again. Until then, adios!!




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